Clubs Council Executive Nominations

2021 Clubs Council Elections will be conducted by online poll. Only delegates to the Clubs Council will be able to vote. Delegates may only vote for the Branch Officer of the Branch that their club is a part of. Voting will be open for five days, commencing during the Clubs Council meeting on Friday 9 October at 11am, and ending on Thursday 14 October at 11am. It is important to note that the delegates with voting rights are those appointed for the year and will not include those appointed as proxies for the Clubs Council meeting on October 9.

Voting Links

Community Officer -

Communications Officer -

General Officer -

Branch Officer - Culture and Language -

Those positions not listed here have not received any nominations. 

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order



Josh Yeend

I’m Josh Yeend! I’m a PolScience/PubPol student with considerable experience in NGOs, administration and leadership work, and a suite of vocational study at CIT. Concurrently, I’m a returning Senior Resident at an ANU Residential Hall, a Branch Officer on the 2020 Clubs Council, and someone well-equipped to step up and do a little -- or a lot -- more next year. 
Thus far, my time on Clubs has been a tumultuous, but informative one; I have considerable respect for those on the executive this year, and moreover, the sheer amount of work they
tackle on a week-to-week basis. With my cutting down on other duties next year, it’s only fitting that I take on a greater role in this oft-underappreciated part of student life. Having spent the last few weeks consulting with others, I believe my depth of passion and breadth of skills would be best-served in the position of Council Chair. In this role, I’d take a firmly people-centric, support-minded approach to executive leadership, but so-too look to set new precedents and implement much-needed reforms throughout my term. I look forward to speaking to my nomination (and vision!) for the role at CCM4. See you there



Josh Polak

Hi, I’m Josh, I am a third year studying Law and Political Science (I only started law this year) and I hope to have the opportunity of serving as Clubs Council Secretary for 2021. For the past year I have had the wonderful opportunity of being an SR at Fenner Hall. Whilst at Fenner I managed to draft and pass a major addition to our terms of reference.
I admit I have not been heavily involved in the club’s at ANU however, turning that into a positive I have no predispositions towards one group or club, which I hope will make me more objective and independent. I have also done a considerable amount of research into the regulations and the structure of the club’s bureaucracy. Governance and administration are tasks that I have naturally gravitated towards.
Secretary is mainly concerned with governance and ensuring proper procedure is followed according to the rules set out in various authoritative documents. I know most of you just want to get on with running your clubs. So, if I am appointed as secretary, I hope to keep the governance jargon to an essential minimum. In saying that I am more than willing to go into detailed discussions of the ANUSA constitution, clubs regulations and policies if that is the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning.
I am more than willing to learn as I go, and I am happy to take constructive feedback. I look forward to working with you all if appointed.



Adrika (Dri) Sinhababu

Hi! I’m Dri and I’m a second-year studying PPE and Accounting! I want to run for Funding Officer for Clubs Council because I believe my experience in studying finance-related subjects will come in handy for the role. I’m also in the executive of Robogals Canberra, in the role of Social Officer so I understand working in environments filled with time constraints and pressure. I’ve also been an active member of Wright Hall, as I was a producer for the radio show and a part of the media subcommittee. As a former member of Wamburun Hall, I was in the terms of reference subcommittee in 2019. As I’ve worked in several teams, I understand how they operate and the inner workings of them, and my experience would be beneficial. 



Flony Anjilivelil

I am a second year IR/PPE student from Townsville. Currently I am a proud resident of Burton and Garron Hall and I enjoy playing ISO sport, mountain biking and reading in my spare time. In nominating for the Club Council, I hope to learn more about our student body, the issues facing us, meet new people and acquire some leadership skills. By getting involved within the student body and contributing in any way I can I hope to be able to learn more about ANUSA, our student culture and also feel a part of this community.  

Jessica Bradbury

My name is Jess and I am a second year from Sydney! I’m studying a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor Politics, Philosophy and Economics. My interest in economics and organisational behaviour led me to choose to do this combination of degrees. I am loving living in Canberra and particularly enjoy the beautiful scenery it has to offer. When I’m not studying, I really enjoy running around the lake. My favourite run is to Mount Painter, which offers the most beautiful 360 degree views of Canberra. My other hobbies include hanging out with friends and trying out new recipes – especially recipes for baked goods! I am currently working as a part-time admin assistant at Maliganis Edwards Johnson Barristers and Solicitors. I am really excited to get more involved with on-campus life and would love to be part of the Clubs Council Executive. This would hopefully give me the opportunity to get to know some new people, learn some new skills and gain a better understanding of how the university works.  

Elizabeth Heap

I am a second-year student at the anu studying a double degree in International Relations and arts, majoring in Political Science, and minoring in Economics and Chinese language. I'm from Melbourne, although grew up in the UK and Hong Kong, and in my spare time I love socialising, swimming, and playing the clarinet. When I began at anu I did as any typical first year does and signed up to every club, I had a remote interest in, and over the course of the first semester, learned where my true passions were. I’ve been particularly engaged with AIESEC in ANU and over the past year, the IR Society. I learned just how much effort and time went into making these clubs and societies the best they could be, providing anu students with unique opportunities and a positive atmosphere on campus and that is why I’d love to be a part of the team which helps facilitate this amazing work. I have some experience in event planning and management, leadership, and teamwork, however as someone who loves to learn, I would be honoured with the opportunity to further develop these skills on the club's council.

Elijah Smith

Hello, my name is Elijah Smith (he/him), and I am a first year student studying a Bachelor of Public Policy. I come from the small town of Freeling in the regional mid-north of South Australia. During my high school years, I prided myself on networking with local community leaders as a way of achieving my academic aspirations. Through this engagement, I was lucky enough to be selected on state and national youth events, where I was able to engage with so many of my peers. I have also been the recipient of my local councils Young Citizen of the Year award, as well as a Children’s Week prize for academic and community leadership. I truly believe that the opportunities that I have experience were fuelled by the knowledge and expertise of those who mentored me throughout my journey to ANU. Coming from a regional area, in a low socio-economic household, was especially informative of my pragmatic approach to my community, as distance limits the scope of opportunities offered.  




Jessica Bradbury
My name is Jess and I am a second year from Sydney! I’m studying a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor Politics, Philosophy and Economics. My interest in economics and organisational behaviour led me to choose to do this combination of degrees. I am loving living in Canberra and particularly enjoy the beautiful scenery it has to offer. When I’m not studying, I really enjoy running around the lake. My favourite run is to Mount Painter, which offers the most beautiful 360 degree views of Canberra. My other hobbies include hanging out with friends and trying out new recipes – especially recipes for baked goods! I am currently working as a part-time admin assistant at Maliganis Edwards Johnson Barristers and Solicitors. I am really excited to get more involved with on-campus life and would love to be part of the Clubs Council Executive. This would hopefully give me the opportunity to get to know some new people, learn some new skills and gain a better understanding of how the university works.
Elizabeth Heap

I am a second-year student at the anu studying a double degree in International Relations and arts, majoring in Political Science, and minoring in Economics and Chinese language. I'm from Melbourne, although grew up in the UK and Hong Kong, and in my spare time I love socialising, swimming, and playing the clarinet. When I began at anu I did as any typical first year does and signed up to every club, I had a remote interest in, and over the course of the first semester, learned where my true passions were. I’ve been particularly engaged with AIESEC in ANU and over the past year, the IR Society. I learned just how much effort and time went into making these clubs and societies the best they could be, providing anu students with unique opportunities and a positive atmosphere on campus and that is why I’d love to be a part of the team which helps facilitate this amazing work. I have some experience in event planning and management, leadership, and teamwork, however as someone who loves to learn, I would be honoured with the opportunity to further develop these skills on the club's council.

Heather Johnston

I have been involved in Clubs Council previously in 2020 as Discipline Branch Officer, and have had the opportunity to develop a strong understanding of the inner workings of CCE. In addition to this I have multiple years of experience in Club Executives through the Biology Society, and have spent the last year as the Secretary for Griffin Hall. Through the latter role in particular it has been a significant part of my job to ensure the publications of agendas and documents, respond to queries about the organisation and maintain their media archives. This experience to my mind would prepare me ideally for the role of Communications Officer in 2021. Clear, concise and engaging distribution of information is absolutely essential to the success of Clubs Council, and I would love to see improvements in how appealing and accessible our communications are with Clubs. In particular I would love to see the compilation of a regularly published newsletter for Clubs to advertise upcoming events as well as distribute notices from CCE. I am passionate about Clubs Council and greatly enjoy answering questions about all aspects of the way CC works, and have absolutely loved working with the team this year and would be very excited to represent Clubs again in 2021



Jeffery Yang

Hello one and all! My name is Jeffery and I'd love to be your Affiliations Officer for 2021.
While originally from NZ, I've been gandering round ANU for three years now studying a double in IR and Genetics. I've benefitted from a great many of societies from all sides of campus and running for Clubs Council is my way of doing my bit so that future generations can continue to enjoy what I had. I chose Affiliations Officer because I've done enough admin and procedural based work to know that it's something I enjoy, as well as something that I've relatively competent at. Additionally, I'm currently helping to set up some new societies myself, meaning I've a vested interest in making the process of becoming and running a society at ANU as smooth as possible. In these Covid times, clubs and societies will evermore be at the heart of the ANU student experience as people look for ways to connect and meet new people. My initiative and drive will ensure that every club and every society has the tools to achieve its potential and bring a bold new experience to every student that joins.



Tuan Tran

Formation of a sustainable community is the biggest obstacle than ever, especially during this serious COVID-19 outbreak worldwide. Having been being representative in several courses at the ANU so far, I totally understand what challenges students have been coping with as well as how they have been suffering to overcome the serious situations in Canberra, or even Australia generally. In this way, it motivated myself a lot to take actions, to make real changes in order to contribute towards the stable development of the ANU community. This grant aims to offer me good opportunities to meet and collaborate with other fellow students to ensure the sustainable development at the ANU. As long as I consider, the core purpose of being a club member is to support other ANU students with respect to the implicit demand of communal life as well as promote people to maintain the most wellbeing standards. As a result, I do believe the club committee would offer multiple groups of activity to students, building the solid connection between ANUSA and PARSA members. Also, as a club executive, I would be able to understand the real values of social living, including safety issues, solidarity, mutual supports through every training session. More importantly, I will fulfill my other professional shortcomings by taking part in any group-working events.




Flony Anjilivelil

I am a second year IR/PPE student from Townsville. Currently I am a proud resident of Burton and Garron Hall and I enjoy playing ISO sport, mountain biking and reading in my spare time. In nominating for the Club Council, I hope to learn more about our student body, the issues facing us, meet new people and acquire some leadership skills. By getting involved within the student body and contributing in any way I can I hope to be able to learn more about ANUSA, our student culture and also feel a part of this community.  

Saad Khalid

Saad Khalid is a first-year Undergraduate Student majoring in Finance. He is an award-winning journalist and radio producer who has conducted research on the contributions of ethnic minorities in the context of Multicultural Australia. 
Language and Culture are inextricably linked to the continued growth of society, and Saad's focus, should he be elected, would be to increase and to propagate awareness of this segment to the wider community at ANU. He argues that harmony can only be achieved by way of connection and exploration. 
Born in Pakistan, having lived and studied in Kuwait, in the USA, Argentina, and Australia, Saad possesses a unique understanding of different cultures and societies. An avid radio producer, he looks towards the oft-spoken world of multiculturalism and brings to light the forgotten legacies of these communities. Having received an Award as 2019 National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters Council - Youth Presenter of the Year, his work has also been featured by the CBAA, the ABC, The National, the City of Perth, and 
As Branch Officer, Saad would work towards promoting the interest of cultural and linguistically diverse clubs and communities at ANU, in the best way possible whilst leveraging his skills and expertise in this sector. 




Ned Strange

I’m an arts/law student (majoring in Ancient History) who is really interested in clubs and I’m really disappointed that most events weren’t able to go ahead this year, which is why I think the Clubs Council in general will be so crucial in rebounding from this crisis for Clubs and for the uni as a whole. If elected Faith and Religion officer (I am a religious person), I will try to establish dialogue with all the different faith clubs and communities on campus to try and increase outreach and visibility – before digging deeply I didn’t even realize there were so many vibrant faith communities at ANU.




Ned Strange

I’m an arts/law student (majoring in Ancient History) who is really interested in clubs and I’m really disappointed that most events weren’t able to go ahead this year, which is why I think the Clubs Council in general will be so crucial in rebounding from this crisis for Clubs and for the uni as a whole. If elected Faith and Religion officer (I am a religious person), I will try to establish dialogue with all the different faith clubs and communities on campus to try and increase outreach and visibility – before digging deeply I didn’t even realize there were so many vibrant faith communities at ANU.

Tuan Tran

Formation of a sustainable community is the biggest obstacle than ever, especially during this serious COVID-19 outbreak worldwide. Having been being representative in several courses at the ANU so far, I totally understand what challenges students have been coping with as well as how they have been suffering to overcome the serious situations in Canberra, or even Australia generally. In this way, it motivated myself a lot to take actions, to make real changes in order to contribute towards the stable development of the ANU community. This grant aims to offer me good opportunities to meet and collaborate with other fellow students to ensure the sustainable development at the ANU. As long as I consider, the core purpose of being a club member is to support other ANU students with respect to the implicit demand of communal life as well as promote people to maintain the most wellbeing standards. As a result, I do believe the club committee would offer multiple groups of activity to students, building the solid connection between ANUSA and PARSA members. Also, as a club executive, I would be able to understand the real values of social living, including safety issues, solidarity, mutual supports through every training session. More importantly, I will fulfill my other professional shortcomings by taking part in any group-working events.

We acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which ANUSA operates.
We recognise the continuing connection to lands, waters, and communities of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We pay our respect to Elders, past and present, and commit to standing with our first nations people.

Contact ANUSA (02) 6125 2444