The ANUSA Education Committee is for all those students who have a passion for education and an interest in politics. It is one of the key components of ANUSA’s advocacy arm and promotes awareness of education issues and facilitates campaigns, actions and discussion amongst the ANU student body.

If you care about how universities are funded, the extent to which they are accessible and the support that students receive to complete their degree, then you should become an active member of the Education Committee. All ANU students are automatically members of the ANUSA Education Committee. To be an active member, you’re encouraged to send in ideas, post in the Facebook group, attend meetings and help organise education events.

The ANUSA Education Officer convenes the ANUSA Education Committee at least once a term. As a member of the ANUSA Executive, the Education Officer can give voice to the concerns and views of the Education Committee in different forums.

Education Committee events have included a Budget Night Party, the Education Graveyard, a Post-Budget Student Speak Out and run a ‘Get Enrolled, Get Informed, Get Voting!’ Campaign. In previous years we’ve held an Unhappy Birthday Party for Christopher Pyne and student-run student forum about fee deregulation. We’ve held three Canberra student rallies against the budget on ANU campus, run a successful ‘A Degree Shouldn’t Be a Debt Sentence’ campaign which has now been taken up by the ALP and NTEU, and Red Squares campaign, including Read Ins outside ANU Chancellery and a Squarely in the Read: Words on the 2014 Higher Education Cuts.

Questions? Suggestions for events? Want to submit feedback. Email the ANUSA Education Officer at

Make sure you also join the ANUSA Education Committee on Facebook