Friday Night Party is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all attendees. As such, attendees are expected to exhibit respectful behaviour and ensure that the event remains safe for both themselves and those around them. If you have any questions about what ANUSA's community and behavioural standards include then please don't hesitate to email The following spaces and services have been set up at Friday Night Party to ensure that the event is safe and enjoyable for everyone. Please familiarise yourself with them, and don't hesitate to ask for a volunteer for help if any issues arise on the night. 

First Aid Tent
Red Medical is running the first aid tent, and is the appropriate point of contact for any situation that requires medical assistance or First Aid Support.


Support Space
The Support Space is staffed by ANUSA Staff who have the training to respond to and support students who are experiencing distress or a mental health crisis, but also for reports or disclosures of harassment and assault. If you are intending on referring or walking someone to the support space, please ask the person if they are able and happy to do so, or otherwise ascertain and appropriately respond to their needs.


Womens’ Space
The ANU Women's Department will be providing and managing an autonomous space for all attendees who are women identifying, women aligned or non binary. This space will be staffed by the Women’s Officer, Jin Law (0421 093 199) who is available throughout the night for any questions. The space is an alternative chill out zone and serves as a safe space for all female identifying and non binary students. There will be a variety of seating and activities available.


DSA Space
The Disabilities Student Association will be providing an autonomous space for all attendees who identify as having a disability. The space is also an alternative chill out zone and serves as a safe space for all attendees who identify. There will be a variety of seating and activities available.


ANU Sport/Chill out Space
ANU Support is providing the largest chill out space of the event, with many activities, water, snacks and members from ANU Sport present. Be sure to check this out over the course of the night!


Red Frogs Space
Red frogs are a good point of contact for general support, questions and conversation. Red Frogs volunteers will be present at their tent (which includes a hang out space) as well as at various areas of the event, and will be providing water as well as snacks.


Sober Reps
Multiple sober reps from each college and hall at the ANU will be organised to be in attendance at Friday Night Party. Where relevant, these sober reps will also organise walking parties to and from the event. The primary function of sober reps will be to look out for and manage the wellb
eing of the respective members of their college, in collaboration with all other safety mechanisms listed above. If you are from a residential hall, look out for those in your college merch!

We acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which ANUSA operates.
We recognise the continuing connection to lands, waters, and communities of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
We pay our respect to Elders, past and present, and commit to standing with our first nations people.

Contact ANUSA (02) 6125 2444