Show Cause

Have you received a notice to show cause?

A student receives a notice to show cause if they are on academic probation, and have failed a total of 8 or more courses in their degree. We understand that there can be non-academic reasons for a student to not perform well at the university.

If you, or anyone you know, has received a show cause letter, we encourage you to have a chat with the student assistance team. They can help you explain to the university the reasons for unsatisfactory performance and future plan to complete the program requirements. ANU has provided more details on academic progress expectations on the ANU Academic Progress Rule 2019 and on their website.

Under the Academic Progress Rule 2019, students have the opportunity to reset their fail-grade count. If the student passes 8 or more courses in consecutive teaching periods and does not fail any courses during this time, their fail grade count will reset to zero.

For information on the new changes, or for help with responding to the show cause notice, students can email the ANUSA Student Assistance Team at:

Contact us
02 6125 2444
Level 2, Di Riddell Student Centre, Kambri