Late Withdrawal

Dropping Courses after Census Date and Late Withdrawal

Did you know that you are still able to withdraw from your courses even after census date in some circumstances? You may be able to do it even up to 12 months after the course has ended and if you’ve failed the course (via the Late Withdrawal process).

How do I drop or withdraw from my courses after Census Date?

a) via ISIS on or before the Friday of the 9th week of the semester, and receive an automatic WD grade, but will be liable for fees. (Unless you apply for Late Withdrawal).
b) via ISIS after the Friday of the 9th week of the semester, but before the exam period starts, and receive an automatic  WN grade, and also be liable for fees. (Unless you apply for Late Withdrawal).
c) Apply for Late Withdrawal after you have failed your courses. This is not an automatic process, you would have to apply for this separately.

What is Late Withdrawal?

Late Withdrawal is a process where if successful, your fail grades will be changed to a WD, and your fees are likely to be refunded as well.
In order for your application to be successful, you would need to show how you faced unavoidable and unexpected extenuating circumstances that impede your successful completion of a course where the circumstances occur or are exacerbated after the census date.

This process is done via ISIS under “Manage my Degree”. You will have to address the criteria listed, and also provide supporting documentation as well.

You have 12 months from the end of the teaching period or, if you have gone through option a) or b) above, 12 months from when you dropped the course(s) to apply for Late Withdrawal.

In some cases, you may be able to apply for Late Withdrawal after the 12 month period has passed. This will be assessed case-by-case.

WD: Withdrawn without failure. This will not count towards your GPA.

WN: Withdrawn with failure. This is a fail grade (0) that will count towards your GPA.

If you, or anyone you know, has failed a course because of extenuating circumstances such as being a victim of a crime/ misadventure, poor health/mental health or other circumstances, we encourage you to discuss your situation with the ANUSA Assistance Advisors.

Our Student Assistance Advisors can help you determine if the situation warrants Late Withdrawal application, explain the procedure and help you draft the application. More details on Late Withdrawal application are provided on ANU website. 

Contact us
02 6125 2444
Level 2, Di Riddell Student Centre, Kambri