Grade Appeal

Have you ever felt that the grade you received is not a true reflection of you effort? As a student, you have the right to appeal a grade if you are not content with the grade. However, this needs to be backed with logical reasoning on why your grade should be reviewed.

ANUSA student assistance team is here to assist you in identifying the possible shortcomings in your grade, explain the procedure of grade appeal and help you draft a formal appeal.


The ANU has shared their grade appeal procedure on their website. Generally the first step in the appeal process (informal consideration) is discussing your grade/assessment with the course convener. If you are still discontent with the outcome of informal consideration, then  you can make a written formal appeal to the associate dean of the college.


If you are not sure about any step of the process, do not hesitate to contact ANUSA student assistance team at

Contact us
02 6125 2444
Level 2, Di Riddell Student Centre, Kambri