Extenuating Circumstances Application

Key Points (ECA at a Glance):

  • For assessment worth 20% or more and extensions of 10 working days or more
  • Must be submitted within 5 working days of an assessment due date
  • Valid for both exams and other assessments 
  • Replaces “Special Consideration” and “Deferred Examination” processes

If you were studying at ANU prior to Semester 2, 2023, you may have heard of either a “deferred examination” or a “special consideration” process. As of Semester 2, 2023, these processes no longer exist and have been replaced with the Extenuating Circumstances Application (ECA), which has rolled both of these functions into one streamlined process, with some changes.

An ECA must be submitted within five (5) working days of the original date of the assessment (including an examination) that the ECA is for.

You can submit an ECA when an extenuating circumstance impacts your ability to complete an assessment item worth 20% or more of your final grade, or when seeking an extension of ten (10) working days or more to an assessment item (for assessments that do not meet these criteria, you should contact your course convenor or college directly).

ANU has published the following examples as grounds for an adjustment to be approved:

  • Medical: e.g. significant illness/injury, significant exacerbation of condition registered in access plan
  • Hardship: e.g. victim of significant crime including family and domestic violence; financial hardship; significant car accident or widespread public transport issues; significant broad spectrum IT issues; sudden, unavoidable primary caring responsibilities
  • Compassionate: e.g. death/sudden serious illness of immediate family member or close friend
  • Elite: e.g. sport or performer event
  • Duties: e.g. essential, military, emergency/volunteer emergency services
  • Disaster: e.g. significant natural disaster/geo-political event
  • Indigenous cultural duties: consistent with the ANU Reconciliation Action Plan.

How do I apply for an ECA?

The ECA is an e-form, available through your ISIS account. Step by step instructions have been published and are available here.

Possible Outcomes of an ECA:

Once an ECA is submitted, there are set outcomes that can be made. These are:

  • Approved: altered assessment due date
  • Approved: deferred examination
  • Approved: alternative assessment
  • Approved: modified assessment weighting
  • Not Approved

It is important to note that the adjusting of the marks or grades on an assessment item is not a possible outcome. This was a possible outcome for special consideration applications but is no longer possible under the ECA application.

Even if you are applying for an ECA, it can be a good idea to advise your course convenor or college about your circumstances. In some cases, they may even provide you with a longer extension or a quicker outcome than the ECA.

If you do not feel comfortable to speak to your college or course convener, or have questions about the process or your application you can contact the ANUSA Student Asisstance Team. Please feel free to make an appointment to discuss your situation via sa.assistance@anu.edu.au or by visiting us on level 2 of the Di Riddell building in Kambri.

Appointments are confidential and can be held either in-person or via Zoom.

For more information, please see this short document outlining the new ECA process

Contact us
02 6125 2444
Level 2, Di Riddell Student Centre, Kambri