Brian Kenyon Student Space (BKSS)
The BKSS is located on the 2nd floor of the Di Riddell Building above Student Central. We are accessible by lift and stairs.
New to ANU and want some advice? A later-year student looking for a new place to relax? On campus in the middle of a Canberra winter and need to get warm? The Brian Kenyon Student Space (BKSS) might just be your perfect place.
The BKSS first opened in 2011, and is named after Brian Kenyon, a loved ANU bus driver who left a strong imprint on the lives of thousands of students who got to know him over the 25 years he worked on and around campus.
Today, the BKSS is a focal point for all students on campus – a lounge located in the heart of ANU campus to meet-up, relax and re-charge your batteries (literally and metaphorically).
If you want to know more about ANUSA, come and ask the friendly staff behind the Student Space reception desk. We’re here to help!
Don’t forget you can also follow us and message us through our Facebook page. This is also where we post about the latest news and updates such as Student Bites –

The BKSS is on Level 2 of the Di Riddell Student Centre in Kambri. We are accessible by lift and stairs.
Opening Hours
Regular hours: 8am – 8pm, Monday to Friday.
NOTE: Regular opening hours are for the teaching period. Hours may be subject to change during break, StuVac and exams.
Student Space Services
· Free breakfast 8:30am – 10.30am weekdays
· Comfy chairs and tables for studying, relaxing and chatting
· Free coffee and tea!
· Kitchenette facilities – microwaves, toasters, fridge, and sandwich press
· ANUSA Mutual Aid program distribution point
ANUSA is always looking for ways to improve the Student Space. If you have any ideas about what we should provide or do, please chat to the friendly staff at the desk or shoot us a quick email at
Free Breakfast
ANUSA provides a free continental breakfast for students during the teaching term. Breakfast is available from the BKSS 8:30am – 10:30am, Monday to Friday.
Student Bites
Student Bites collects quality excess food from supermarkets and delivers it to the BKSS. Students can pick up free fresh fruit and vegetables, plus baked goods from the balcony outside BKSS. Don’t forget to bring your student card and keep an eye out on the BKSS Facebook page for more information on times.
Using the ANUSA Balcony for Promotion
ANUSA is located on Level 2 of the Di Riddell building in Kambri. We have a large amount of balcony railing space that we use for promotional banners. The following principles apply to use of the balcony for promotional banners:
- Balcony frontage has priority for ANUSA banners. ANUSA banners are those produced by ANUSA, its departments, working groups or committees.
- Where there is room for non-ANUSA banners, usage is subject to approval by the ANUSA executive and must not be inharmonious with the messaging of other banners already affixed to the balcony. Banners must be of sufficient sturdiness and quality to withstand wind.
- Typically, requests to display non-ANUSA banners will only be approved for ANUSA funded or affiliated activities (ie. affiliated clubs and societies, SEEF funded activities).
- Non-ANUSA banners will typically only be approved if they promote a discrete, time-bound event or activity and if promotion on the ANUSA balcony is likely, in the view of the Executive, to be a substantial assistance in the promotion of the event or activity.
- Requests for non-ANUSA banners to be displayed may be sent to