ANU Careers exists to help students maximise their potential and make a successful transition from education to work. They provide a wide range of career and employment services to assist with career planning and decision making, job search, accessing employers and employment opportunities, building employability skills and successfully navigating application, interview and selection processes. Their services extend to all ANU students and recent graduates (up to a year after graduation).

Online Services

ANU Careers website ( and CareerHub ( are sophisticated career information and employment opportunity systems for the exclusive use of ANU students and recent graduates.

Register as soon as possible to access:

Career Advice

Our consultants advise students and recent graduates on the career implications of their program and employment opportunities. They also help students understand their career interests and how this relates to career decision making and further study. Confidential consultations can be booked through CareerHub.

Drop-in Consultations

Come along to a drop-in consultation for individual feedback and advice on career planning, applications, job search, how to build employability, accessing internships and work experience and interview and selection processes. Drop-ins can be booked through CareerHub.

Resume and Cover Letter Writing Workshops

Attend our job application workshop if you would like help with a resume or cover letter. In this workshop you will learn how to write a professional resume and develop the skills to manage your own applications. The comprehensive workshop includes time for individual questions in a group setting. Book in via CareerHub.

Career Education

Our consultants provide seminars and workshops relevant to graduate employment options, labour market trends and career development issues. They also work closely with staff across the University including halls of residence and Colleges to deliver career education to complement courses and co-curricular activities. They also partner with academics and course conveners in Colleges to develop and deliver integrated career development programs. View seminar and workshop offerings through the events listings on CareerHub.


InterviewPrep is an online tool for you to practice, review and record your interview and get feedback from our consultants. This is the perfect tool for preparing for in-person and video interviews. Get in touch with us to access InterviewPrep.

Employer Visits and Career Fairs

Throughout the year our graduate recruitment team work closely with employers to deliver a range of on-campus events, careers fairs and employer presentations to help you explore graduate employment possibilities. Check CareerHub or our Facebook page keep up-to-date with these opportunities.