Parents and Carers


ANUSA Parents and Carers is a platform for ANU students who are parents or carers. They advocate for parents and carers to the University and ANUSA on issues of education, welfare and student experience. They also convene a Parents and Carers Committee which holds events to promote collaboration and support. 

Get Involved

All ANU students with carer and parental responsibilities are automatically ordinary members of the parents and carers community in ANU. If you’re keen to get involved, or to participate in our activities, join us at one of our meetings – we post them up on our Facebook (linked below!).

ANUSA P&C recruits executive members to the committee to help us run and execute events and advocacy plans for the whole academic year. This typically occurs during early Semester 1. Check out our Facebook to see when we’re recruiting. 

Support for Parents and Carers
Places for Parents and Carers

Contact Us

Email: (President to the committee/ ANUSA Parents and Carers Officer’s email)

Facebook Group:


You’re welcome to set up an appointment with the Parents and Carers Officer at their email if you need personalised assistance.

Places for Parents and Carers

Support for Parents and Carers