Advocacy Statements
Statement: ANUSA stands in solidarity with victim-survivors of bullying, harassment and sexual violence at residential colleges across Australia. – October 2024
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Park It! Freeze the parking rates at ANU – October 2024
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Open Letter: Tear Down ANU’s Poster Policy, October 2024
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DRC Smartphone Explainer
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The Need for Public Transport at ANU: Open Letter
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Deadnaming at ANU – ANUSA & Queer* Department
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ANUSA Statement on ANU Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Policy Review – 29 May 2024
ANUSA Statement on ANU Gaza Encampment – 27 May 2024
ANUSA Statement on ANU Gaza Encampment – 3 May 2024
ANUSA Statement on ABC Drive comments on 30 April 2024
ANUSA Statement
Stage 3 Tax Cuts – March 2024
ANUSA Statement
Statement on Palestine – March 2024
ANUSA Statement
485 Visas – January 2024
ANUSA Statement
CRS/CRN System – April 2021
ANU ISD and ANUSA Statement
Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020 – February 2021
ANUSA Education Officer Submission
Exams & Invigilation Student Sentiment – April 2020
Vice President Paper
ANUSA Media Release – Do Better ANU – August 2019
Media Release
ANUSA Statement on Australian Federal Police Raids – August 2019
Statement from ANUSA President
Response from Senator Katy Gallagher
ANUSA’s progress on advocating for a more student friendly and financially accessible booking policy
ANUSA has advocated at all stages during the Kambri development, for an affordable and accessible campus. A campus that belongs to students.
ANUSA advocated for a student forum regarding Kambri that was directly between the University and the broader student body. That forum happened in Semester One.
Having an accessible and affordable campus is an important issue for many students and something ANUSA has always and will continue to advocate for. As student representatives, we want to make this process as transparent and consultative as we can.
A development in this space is that the University has publicly made the following commitments. They are below:
- Investigate options for cyclist and pedestrian separation on University Avenue and other areas of Kambri
- Investigate the addition of extra bike racks at Kambri
- Continue to investigate the inclusion of a bike shop and/or bike repair stations
- Correct some ambiguity of language in the booking process about the cleaning costs
- Meet with ANU-affiliated drama and theatre groups to continue the discussion around pricing structures and booking process
- Publish the suite of drafts of the booking policy, with identifying information available. The exact mechanism for publishing these drafts is being investigated
- Further review the process in October, incorporating ongoing feedback provided by students and student associations.
Following SRC 4, a request was made for the previous draft booking policy to be released. It is linked here.
ANUSA advocated for significant changes to be made to the previous booking policy.
The updated booking policy with these changes can be seen here.
ANUSA will continue to hold the University to account to the commitments that they made to the student body. We will continue to advocate for our campus, our culture and our community.
For further feedback on the Kambri space, the University has a feedback form that can be accessed here.
The Number 3 Bus
ANUSA continues to advocate for an accessible and inclusive campus. We believe that all students should be able to have a campus experience that is accessible and equal for all.
The removal of the Number 3 bus has meant that students have been disadvantaged through a lack of accessible transport options. ANU DSA and ANUSA continue to advocate for accessible and adequate transport on campus.
If you have been affected by the termination of the Number 3 bus and have faced increased difficulty with attending classes, please email or
The ANUSA SRC passed a motion during SRC 3 it reads as follows:
The Number 3 Bus has been terminated since April 29, 2019. The ANU is seeking to implement a generous internal shuttle service that takes a comprehensive route looping around the ANU from the start of 2020, with a potential soft launch near the end of 2019. This shuttle service is excellent news – it is frequent, free and accessible. However, this does not change the fact that there is no consistent, comprehensive or reliable service to transport students around the ANU in the approximate six month period in between.
The sole existing service – the campus traveller/night bus takes 3 different routes that operate at irregular intervals at various times, has limited capacity and is not wheelchair accessible. Furthermore, the official website indicates a potential range of 20 minutes (10 minutes either way) for the arrival time of the service in question. In theory this is partially mitigated by the fact that it is able to be tracked via the ANU OK app – however, there have been consistent reports of this app not functioning as hoped.
This motion rests on three fundamental goals – that the campus traveller needs to arrive at allocated stops closer to the designated times on the timetable and needs to be trackable via the ANUok app, that strategic plans need to be formed to accommodate and assist with the needs of students who will suffer extraneous hardship as a result of this situation – e.g., increased difficulty attending class and that alternative mechanisms need to be implemented to ensure that students continue to feel safe on campus at night.
The SRC calls upon the ANUSA President to convene a committee made up of the ANUSA Vice President, the ANUSA Education Officer, the ANUSA Disabilities Officer and the ANUSA Student Assistance Officers to consistently communicate on this issue and collaboratively work together in the pursuit of accessible and available campus transport for students in the interim before the launch of the official ANU internal shuttle service in late 2019. Members of this committee should provide an update on this work in SRC 5 and in SRC 7 in 2019
Where are we at?
The Committee has met and in line with the motion has identified four main asks:
- That an internal ANU bus is set up for 2020
- That the campus traveller arrives at allocated stops closer to the designated times on the timetable
- Accurate tracking of the campus traveller via the ANUok App
- That ANUSA continues to advocate and support those who suffer hardship as a result of this situation, specifically increased difficulty attending class
What have we done?
- ANUSA has begun the process of consultation with the University regarding accessible transport options for students
- ANUSA continues to support students adversely affected by the closure of the Number 3 bus through our Student Assistance Unit
What are our next steps?
- The Committee is requesting a commitment and timeline for the implementation of the internal ANU bus shuttle alongside continued student consultation on the matter.
- Advocating for a more accurate and on time campus traveller or asking for a revision of the current timetable if it is not feasible.
- Ensuring that the ANUok app accurately reflects the location of the campus traveller to ensure students aren’t stranded on campus after dark.
- Continuing to support students negatively affected by the lack of reliable on campus transport
If you have any questions regarding the work of this Committee, please email