Muslim Students' Association


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About Muslim Students' Association


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The ANU Muslim Students’ Association is a student organization devoted to helping Muslim students maintain their Islamic identity on campus. Our goal is to fulfil the religious, educational and social needs of Muslim students at ANU and to represent Muslim Students on campus.

Objectives of the MSA:

  1. To lead the ANU Muslim Community in a way which is pleasing to Allah and in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.
  2. Appoint an Imam who will facilitate Jummah Prayers every Friday.
  3. Arrange/Hire the venue for Jummah Prayer. 
  4. Organise regular Islamic educational events.
  5. Organise regular events and activities which will benefit the ANU Muslim community.
  6. Manage the prayer rooms and facilities on Campus.
  7. Organise Taraweeh Prayers and weekly Iftars during the month of Ramadan.
  8. Run regular campaigns and raise awareness of important issues which effect Muslim students on Campus or will bring benefit to the wider ANU community.
  9. To create a welcoming, safe and supportive community for Muslims on campus.