Labor Left


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Activism, Progress, Leadership, Equality.


The ANU Left Labor Club is the real home of Progressive Politics at ANU. We believe in working together to acheive real outcomes for students. We value democracy and oppose all forms of corruption on campus. We believe that even a good government can be better and work with the community to give a voice to young people who arent always listened to.


Members of the ANU Left Labor Club have campaigned on issues like climate change, equal rights, your rights at work, and university quality and affordability.
We have made great progress on issues where members worked with the community like where we helped convince the ACT Government to do more to tackle climate change and support renewable energy.

Members fought hard to win over ALP National Conference to Support Marriage Equality and now it is part of the National Platform.

Members opposed the Work Choices workplace laws which hurt uni students the hardest, cutting their pay and conditions and leaving them able to be sacked for no reason. These were abolished in 2007.


The ANU Left Labor Club works hard to help students be the best they can be, we work with National Labor Students, the Environment, Women's and Queer collectives at ANU, ANUSA, Woroni and with the ACT and Federal ALP to help students build their skills in politics and journalism.

Past members of the club have been ACT Ministers, Journalists, Editors of Woroni, ANUSA executives, NUS State and National Office Bearers, ANU collective officers and Federal ALP executives, as well as going on to work or volunteer in Federal and state parliaments.


ANU Left Labor Club is an inclusive environment. We respect the First Australians and all those who have come here since. We respect and welcome people regardless of ethnicity, gender, orientation or religion.

We actively fight for women's rights and same sex rights.