International Law Society


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The ANU International Law Society (‘ILS’) is the university’s second-largest law students’ society and its only community for those passionate about international law. With more than a decade of experience and an expansive reach in Australia, we organise an exciting range of academic, career and social events, programs and resources for domestic and international undergraduate and postgraduate students passionate about international law.


We bring together international law experts, practitioners, scholars and leaders to enable students to develop their professional skills and knowledge about international law. Some experts we have collaborated with include:


- Gillian Triggs (United Nations Assistant Secretary-General),

- The Hon. Julie Bishop (Former Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs),

- The Hon. Hon Michael Kirby AC, CMG (former Judge of the High Court of Australia, Federal Court of Australia and the President of the NSW Court of Appeal),

- Professor The Hon Gareth Evans (Former Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Co-Chair of the International Advisory Board of the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect),

- The Hon. Hilary Charlesworth (leading international law scholar and Judge of the International Court of Justice)

- Lucinda Longcroft (Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs, ANZ at Google)

- Leading practitioners from the International Court of Justice, Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Criminal Court, World Bank, United Nations, Australian Attorney General’s Department Office of International Law, and Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 


In the past, we have also published an academic journal called ‘The Advocate’ that highlights cutting-edge work of some of the brightest scholars and students in Australia, and launched an 'International Law Careers Guide'. 


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